Lego wiki- lego doctor who world Wiki

This version of the Twelth Doctor had ginger hair and was created by SmithMoviesInK. And has so far only apeared in 4


the doctor

episodes. He doesnt have a compainion quite yet.


During the events of The Oblivion Triolgy the 11th Doctor was shot by a dalek and regenarated again. His compainons amy and rory decied to stay on earth and The Doctor continued to travel encountering The Red Assasin and Saint Nicoles.

The Doctor had recentley encountered one of his greatest of foes the deadley Cybermen who had once again tried the take over (Upgrade) the universe and after a long and hard struggle,managed to defeat them once again with the help of Captain Jack Harkness who during the adventure was turned into a Cyberman and with the Doctors help somewhow gotten loose from been in control of the Cybermen.
